Fin-AlleyProduct Information

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Artist: Robert Glover
Made In England
Marble Dust & Resin
Enameled British Pewter Wings
Released: Feb 2001
Dimensions: 3.8" h x 2.4" w



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Her name is from the Latin and means "one who grows among snow".  Anivalis loves the winter- she feels its cold, the way any living creature would, but that does not stop her from breathing its beauty.  She feels the ice in her bones and snow-crystals at her heart, and she rejoices in their pure clean clarity.  Anivalis rarely leaves Gramarye - even when the Isle is under the spell of the slumbering dreamy heat of summer, she can fly to the perennial ice of the Midnight Mountains, deep in the recesses of the Isle, where she will find a tonic to refresh her soul.
The symbol Anivalis brings in her keepsake box is a winter snowflake - a thing of intricate and unique beauty that will melt in a moment.  Capture what beauty you can, is the message Anivalis brings, for who knows when it will fade and return to the transparency of water.