For the
first time, the faeries and
mermaids of the
Isle of Gramarye are allowing
their stories to be told,
revealing their true identities
with magical symbols, hidden
within their keepsake boxes.
These beautiful treasures are
hand crafted and hand painted in
England, making each piece
unique. They are made from
crushed marble & resin. Their
wings are made from English
pewter and enameled in rainbows
of translucent colors.
The Faeries have a way of only
being seen by those who choose to
see them! |
To view the individual lines, just
on a name or picture
The Faeries of the Hidden
faeries of the
Isle of Gramarye are true
faeries - not the pale imitations
of children's stories. They have
the power to do mischief as well
as to do good, although they are
held in check by Damosel, the
first faerie. |
The Faerie Children
None of the
faerie children has a name. On the
Isle of Gramarye,
each faerie chooses a name as they grow
and their calling upon the Isle becomes
clear, whether it is to guard a
particular vale or to take a special
interest in a magical skill.
In the keepsake boxes of the faerie
children, there are special symbols which
represent all that these little beings
need to stay safe and happy. |
The Mermaids of the Silver
Shore |
The Avalon Inheritance
Each figurine of the Inheritance is entrusted with one
of the treasures of Avalon. They must keep it safe until the day
its power is most needed. They guard it with hidden
symbols and secret runes from the ancient Celtic
alphabet, and the deep magic that is the
Isle of Gramarye itself. |
The Elemental Sendings
Sending is a spell that Reveries can create. Into some
living creature they infuse power, and the creature
then carries out their command. A Sending may carry a
message - and it will not stop until its message is
delivered - or it may be sent to carry out a task, in
which case it will not stop until its task is done. |
Echoes Of Magic |
Retired & Secondary |